In that box, we have speechifying demons, mad scientists oddly eager to explicate their schemes, and flamboyant nemeses more taken with the romance of villainhood than evil for its own sake. Kee-Oth belongs in that trope-box of villains with ‘Bad Guy from the Good Ol’ Days’ written in marker. No, you lived in a sparsely furnished cave where you did uh, yoga, in a beautifully rendered broken-glass dimension a throwback perhaps, to the John Carpenter flick Prince of Darkness where Satan sleeps in a mirror-dimension.

Your house wasn’t the stereotypical demonic house, with flames, or a vomit of colors and patterns smearing the walls, or misshapen denizens – that stuff’s for the Nightosphere and Superjail!. What isn’t there to like? You could suck the blood out of a guy from a distance, even your own blood, and make a sword out of it, and you had a great, guttural, tar voice courtesy of voice actor Noah Nelson, who’s right up there with Ron Perlman (the Lich), Clancy Brown (Finn’s bellybutton fear-demon), and Keith David (Flame King). You were one of the most metal moments in Adventure Timesince Finn and Jake’s trip to the Nightosphere, and now you’ve been exploded in a cloud of holy water and demon blood, but you had such a great run as a first-rate villain.

Last Monday’s episode of Adventure Time, “The Pit”, picks up where “Play Date” left off: Finn and Lady Rainicorn must find a way to retrieve Jake from the dimension of Kee-Oth the Blood Demon, who has mistaken Jake for his old nemesis (and the duo’s father) Joshua.