A stunningly beautiful wilderness environment that expands as you explore.If you plan on playing with a younger gamer, that might be good to know going in. But when something strange draws you out of your lookout tower and into the forest, you’ll explore a wild and unknown environment, facing questions and making choices that can build or destroy the only meaningful relationship you have.Ī Note: Firewatch is a video game about adults having adult conversations about adult things. In Firewatch you play as a man named Henry who has retreated from his messy life to work as a fire lookout in the Wyoming wilderness. Your supervisor Delilah is available to you at all times over a small, handheld radio-your only contact with the world you've left behind. Firewatch is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. An especially hot, dry summer has everyone on edge. If you're ready to leave the Wyoming wilderness for adventures new, these games like Firewatch will help you broaden your horizons. You are a man named Henry who has retreated from his messy life to work as a fire lookout in the Wyoming wilderness. 10 games like Firewatch that'll take you on a journey. This achievement can only be collected during a small in-game window and is located, as so many great things are in Firewatch, just slightly off the beaten path.About This Game Firewatch is a single-player first-person mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness. It is also extremely easy to miss since Firewatch gameplay involves more choice than it might seem at first glance. Firewatch is a beautiful, atmospheric game with a lot of heart, and even though the ending and a few other plot points didn’t fully work for me, I immediately wanted to play it again. The Ol’ Shoshone Achievement is relatively easy to get.

RELATED: Things Everyone Completely Missed In Firewatch It can be the kind of game where the complete experience of the art, story, and incredible voice-acting overshadows gameplay goals – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t achievements and trophies to be collected along the way! Where To Go To Unlock The Ol' Shoshone AchievementĬampo Santo's Firewatch is a beautiful, character-driven adventure game with a bittersweet and unforgettable story.What Is The Ol' Shoshone Achievement or Trophy?.