Privacy preserving screen sharing controls Grid layouts can now smoothly transition between states, instead of snapping at the halfway point of an animation or transition. Thanks to our contributors at Microsoft, we now support interpolation for these properties. In CSS Grid, the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties allow developers to define line names and track sizing of grid columns and rows, respectively. CSS grid-template properties interpolation Meer informatie over de veranderingen die in deze uitgave zijn aangebracht, naast de gebruikelijke bug- en security fixes, kan op deze pagina en hieronder worden gevonden. Widevine, dat 6 december stopt, wordt onder meer door streaming diensten gebruikt om drm-beveiligde content aan te bieden. In versie 107 zijn onder meer de eerste stappen gezet om Widevine uit te faseren. Er zijn ook versies voor Android en iOS, maar die volgen een iets ander releaseschema. Google Chrome is beschikbaar voor Windows, Linux en macOS. Try again in a few minutes.Google heeft versie 107 van zijn webbrowser Chrome uitgebracht. Sometimes a 404 appears, or the page sticks while loading. You'll have to check back later when Microsoft makes the latest ISO available on their servers. Note: If you don't see the latest edition (typically the last two versions are available for download), then there's a chance Microsoft has pulled the most recent update due to bugs, and that includes the ISO images. Note that you can close Developer tools (F12) if you're on a device with a smaller screen where it's hard to see.ģ2-Bit and 64-Bit direct links will now be provided and expire in 24 hours. However, here's a neat hack to download the latest ISO images directly using the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge.ġ: Open Google Chrome and go to the Windows 10 or Windows 11 download page.ģ: Click on the Mobile Device icon, which will toggle the device toolbar.Ĥ: Click on the Responsive dropdown and select iPad Pro.ĥ: Press F5 or the refresh icon to reload the page.Ħ: Choose the edition you want and the language.

You can download these using the Media Creation Tool. Microsoft updates its downloadable ISO images of Windows 10 for every major update.